Bold Park Masters Swimming Club Inc.
Golden Gropers Relays
Event information
This event is so much fun and a highlight of our BPMS swim calender.
You dont need to be a 'state swimmer', just someone who can 'swim a bit' and who enjoys great company with other club members!
DATE: Sunday, 18th August 2024
VENUE: HBF Stadium
Stephenson Avenue, Mt Claremont
Short course indoor pool
TIME: warm-up 10.30am, meet start 11.00am
COST: $28 (plus online handling cost)includes pool entry & function
Individual ENTRIES CLOSE: Thursday, 8 August 2024
Relay ENTRIES CLOSE: Sunday, 11 August 2024
Late entries will not be accepted.
REGISTRATION LINK: My Swim Results - Meet - Golden Groper State Relay Carnival 2024
Use the Entry Wizard to register, tick the 2 boxes for 'Relays Availability' and 'Post-event', then make payment on-line. Your entry for the relay teams will be decided in consultation with you and (Club Captain) Connie Reynolds. You will be able to participate in relay events including:
- 4 x 50m Freestyle Mixed
- 4 x 50m Medley Women
- 4 x 50m Medley Men
- Dash for Cash
- 4A – 6 x 25m DASH FOR CASH Semi- finals (2 Heats)
- 4B – 6 x 25m DASH FOR CASH FINAL
- 4 x 25m Medley Mixed
- 4 x 25m Freestyle Women
- 4 x 25m Freestyle Men
- 4 x 25m Medley Women
- 4 x 25m Medley Men
- 4 x 100m Freestyle Mixed